Playing the games
The event will be using the rules in the 3.5 edition core rulebook, along with the updates in Clash of Kings 2025, and any FAQ or errata published by Mantic Games prior to the event.
The optional withdraw rule will NOT be in play. Command dice will NOT be used.
Chess clocks will be used to help the tournament run on schedule. Clocks should be used throughout deployment, scout moves, and player turns.
If you and your opponent disagree on a rule, pause the clock whilst you check the rulebook. If that doesn’t resolve your issue, please ask the tournament organiser to adjudicate.
The clock should also be paused if either player needs to take a break for any reason.
If a player times out whilst resolving an attack, they may finish resolving that attack, and any pending nerve checks. After those are done, the timed out player may not roll any more dice and can only issue change facing orders during any remaining movement phases. Please ensure to complete these moves quickly.
If there are enough pauses during a game that you predict the round time will end before both players have finished, please inform the tournament organiser as soon as possible so that this can be resolved fairly for both players.