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Round 1: Plunder

Table 8

Andrew Hawley

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Scott Lewis

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Andrew HawleyScott Lewis
How many primary loot counters do your units hold?20
How many other loot counters do your units hold?01
Scenario points41
Bonus for outcome50
Total points routed1590940
Bonus for routed units21
Total score112

Round Timer


Scenario map for Round 1: Plunder

Before rolling for sides, place five loot counters on the centre line of the board. One in the exact centre, two each side of that 12" away, and two more 12" away from them.

After rolling off to choose sides each player nominates a different counter to be a primary loot counter, starting with the player who chose sides.


Players score the following at the end of the battle:

  • Score two points for each primary loot counter your units hold.
  • Score one point for each other loot counter your units hold.